Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cappuccino Muffin Cake Pops

Happy little balls of muffin mix sitting in their baking tray home
You have to love cake pops. They're a bizarre baking fad that has moms and bake-a-holics the world over going googly-eyed over little balls of cake.

Gone are the days of mixing cake with frosting to get a dough sticky enough to mould into balls... nope, these days we have cake pop makers. They come in all forms from stand-alone machines to cake pop baking trays. I was lucky enough to get a cake pop baking tray, as a birthday present, from my mom.

This weekend I gave the baking a whirl... The cake pops baked spectacularly well, the decorating needs MUCH work. That said, they were delicious, even if they didn't look beautiful. Wayne, mom and I had many happy mouthfuls of my cappuccino muffin mix cake pops.

The recipe couldn't be easier...

1 x 500g packed of Snowflake Cappuccino Muffin Mix
Follow the instructions on the packet
Decorate (I'm not going to give you decorating tips until I have got it right myself!)
And enjoy!

They are the perfect size and once they're decorated, the perfect shape too!

Melting the chocolate for the "frosting"


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